Sunday, March 25, 2007

At the zoo

We went to the Zoo today for our interview with Wayne Wohlschlegel. He was very helpful in providing information about the various volunteer opportunities. We even got in on the experience by helping clean up a workshop space. Wayne discussed his history, what made him start volunteering at the zoo and how he became the manager of volunteer resources. We recorded the interview on Phil’s camera and have a number of great quotes to use of him describing the volunteer activities and involvement in the zoo.

We walked around the zoo and took pictures of the animals. It was cold outside so we did not see a lot of animals in actions many of them were sleeping in their warm shelters. We were lucky in seeing an elephant being bathed by volunteers. The footage which we have collected and the footage with Professor O’Connell is providing for us will make our project interesting and informative of the volunteer opportunities which the zoo has to offer.

In class Monday we will pick out the pictures which we will use in the essay and start cutting up the interview of Wayne Wohlschlegel. We will be using Flash and the non-designer’s web book as a guide during the class.

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