Monday, March 26, 2007

At the Zoo Plus More!

Yesterday, although very early, we finally made it to the zoo. as Tacy already emphasized, we now are able to start to put together our story. Wayne, put together an informal interview, that told us about him and his story. although we were not able to talk with other volunteers like planned, we did get the chance to here about the programs that the zoohas to offer.

Along with learning about the programs, wayne gave us the oppurtunity to volunteer at the zoo, and help us out with our service learning requirments. This gave us the chance to truly understand what it is like to be a volunteer, but also the ability to see what his service involves.

The only main problem with the pictures that we gathered, is that the pictures were taken from a distance. We wern't really able to get up close and personal pictures of the "docents" as they are called working, and communicationg with the animals.

I am hoping that with the pictures that Professor O'connell has will be able to fill this void, and any other candid's that we are able to get from the website.

Startubg monday, we will be able to use our mock-ups and take any raw material to try and edit together and make our flash website!

Good Job Everyone!

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