Monday, February 5, 2007

Lets get moving!

Hello group,

Today in class we had to start brainstorming ideas, and start to think about how we are going to set up our flash site. The ideas that we have so far are:

~Video Interviews with the Trainers- What they do on a day-to-day basis, talk about there job
~Tell about some of the animals-If they have any hardships? what are the "star" animals/exibhits
~Volunteering, and the importance of this
~The different sections of the zoo
~A link with any news about the Zoo
~History of the Zoo
~Programs offered
~Contact Information/Directions/Price of admission/Hours

We also talked about keeping the intro. short and simple, since some don't enjoy the intro, or in fact skip it.

Some ideas we are having for the HOME page is having the background be the map of the zoo, and if you click on certain areas then it will take you to a new page.

These are some great ideas! just keep on thinking, and keep on giving more ideas!

Finally, now that we have put together some really good ideas, we need to start to think about the specifics. We are meeting on Wed., where we will put together our purposal, and start to do the story board!

have a good couple days!
See Ya'll Wed. at 5:15 North Campus.

Phillip Yacouby-Producer

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