Monday, April 30, 2007

Pictures of Volunteers

We went to the zoo on Saturday and got some great pictures of volunteers. Sunday we are going to add the pictures to the website, and edit the audio we got the last time we went to the zoo of Wayne talking about various volunteer involvement.

In class today, we showed our website, the main thing we need to work on is getting all of our soundslides together. I'm working on the volunteer page, I believe the title name needs to be changed because it is confusing from what I got back from the feedback and the page is to long. we might put all the pictures in flash or do a soundslide of the various volunteers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Come on

Hey guys,

I already assigned people to post on the blog, and it takes all but two minutes.

Since we havn't posted in over a week, i will give a brief blog. On sunday, a portion of our group got together and started to put together the website. We ran into some difficulties with putting not only graphics up on the web, but also installing some media. The graphics we got up and running with Roxanne on monday. The problem was the graphics that we had on the site did not have a folder set up in GOlive program. the media we are still having some troubles with, but will be sure to finish up and get ready for our final cut.

Everyone needs to come to class, there has been two classes now that our full group has not been there. Lets not forget we did pay for this class, and every day you miss, the more money you are losing. Also we should start to use the class time to put together things on the wedsite, and start to learn flash.

The three basic things we have to work on next are:

1. Putting up media on the website
2. Start to put together flash media, for the how to volunteer jobs, and the history.
3. Make media to put onto the website.

If anyone wants to get in contact with Wayne, and see if we can go and take more pictures that would be fine, but there is no I in group, and people have to start and have to learn programs such as GOlive, and flash.

Have a good week, and weekend, and i will see you all on class on monday night!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Okay, so on Monday we met with Roxanne during class about soundstream. She helped us cut our sound and put it into sounds slides. We have our web links working but are having trouble with all our images showing up on the pages such as the banner at the top of the page. The first cut is due tomorrow but we should be okay. We may have to meet with Roxanne if we do not get this figured out.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Good job with putting together the slides. I was a little worried it wasn't enough, but after we went through the critique I was pleased. Roxanne and Mr. Foley didn't have much to say about us changing how we have it set up, so I think we will keep going with how we have our site set up. I don't know if they didn't say much because we were the last group, or just because we're so amazing (i'm guessing because we're so amazing).

The one thing that i believe we were going to change is the slide show about the different volunteer programs. I liked the first groups idea of making a "pictureview". This way the user has more freedom, and won't get bored with looking at three different slide shows. Other than that, we've been doing a good job so keep up the good work!

Also, i suggest that people take a look at the flash 8 book. we need to start to understand the program, and such.